David P. Roye, Jr., MD
骆德唯 (Dr. David P. Roye, Jr.), 董事长兼首席执行官,是世界顶尖的儿科骨外科医生之一,他多年以来为世界各国儿童提供治疗,足迹遍及非洲、东欧以及中国。罗伊博士最近被美国骨科医师学会 授予年度人道主义奖。他现任纽约长老会-摩根斯坦利儿童医院的首席儿童整形外科医生,哥伦比亚大学医师学院的儿童整形外科St. Giles教授,他作为中国儿童儿科基金会(CCPF)的首席医疗官员,率领着一只临床医疗队在中国提供医疗教育服务,此外,罗伊博士不久前受邀在北京儿 童医院开展教学工作。
Paul Anderer
保罗 安德尔 (Paul Anderer), 董 事会成员,是'41亚洲人文教授,哥伦比亚德巴里。他拥有密歇根大学(文学学士’71),芝加哥大学(硕士’72)和耶鲁大学(博士 '79)学位。他于1980 年加入哥伦比亚大学任教。1989年到1997年期间,他是东亚语言文化系系主任。他还担任过主管大学国际关系的副校长,艺术和科学学术规划和全球行动的 助理副主席,研究生院代理院长,以及Keene日本文化中心主任。他的著作涉及世界其他地方:有岛武雄与现代日本小说范围(哥伦比 亚,1984年)、失去家园的文学:小林秀雄—文学评论,1924—1939(斯坦福,1995年),还包括大量探究城市文化(东京)和日本的现代性的文 章。他的作品已获得来自NEH公司,社会科学研究协会和富布 赖特委员会的支持。安德尔教授的教学涵盖本 科和研究生课程,包括日本小说,电影,文化评论。他定期教授部分人文亚洲课程以服务于核心教育。安德尔教授辅导过的现代日本文学研究生,在全美、欧洲和东 亚的顶尖学院里担任要职。他目前正在撰写一本关于黑泽明黑白电影的书,研究他们与日本战后之间,以及与无声电影制作时代的关系。
Sean Cheng
郑肖恩 (Sean Cheng), 董事会成员,是 一位经验丰富的业务经理,和拥有十多年成功业绩的战略策划师,他曾显著提高多家著名跨国公司的收入增长,如美敦力公司,通用电气(医疗),爱立信,朗讯科 技公司。作为一个在德勤咨询公司的高级顾问,郑先生目前着眼于为领先的制药和医疗设备公司制订业务战略。郑先生拥有丰富的国际经验,包括增加美敦力公司的 高端心律管理设备部门在中国医疗设备市 场的份额;他作为最年轻的经理,通过业务模式转型,成功实现了爱立信中国光跃迁部门每年10%的收入增长记录。郑先生2007年毕业于哥伦比亚大学高级公 共卫生硕士项目,他还拥有北京邮电大学电子工程学士,和美国密歇根大学的工商管理硕士学位。郑先生曾是国际医疗领导最早的研究学者之一,在协调哥伦比亚大 学与中国的伙伴大学之间的课程研发合作过程中,起到重要作用。
Gordon G. Liu
刘国恩 (Gorden G. Liu), 董事会成员之一,应用经济学教授,北京大学光华管理学院卫生经济与管理系执行主任。刘国恩教授曾执教美国南加利福尼亚大学(1995-1999);美国北 卡大学(2000- 终身教职);刘国恩教授目前担任国务院城镇居民医疗保险试点评估专家组成员;卫生部国家突发公共卫生事件专家委员会委员;中国留美经济学会 2004-2005届主席(www.China-CES.org);国际药物经济学会(www.ISPOR.org)官方期刊《Value in Health》副主编;《中国药物经济学》杂志主编;刘国恩教授的主要研究方向为健康与发展经济学,医疗体制改革,以及医药经济学。他目前承担了包括国家 发改委、国务院城镇居民医疗保险专家组、国家自然科学基金,美国国家卫生研究院,联合国儿基会,世界银行,以及美国中华医学基金会等直接立项资助的重大课 题。
Conrad Lung
Conrad Lung, Board Member, is a seasoned business executive in consumer products marketing, brand management, franchising and licensing, merger and acquisition and financial management, with special emphasis on global transactions involving Asia and U.S. entities. After a brief stint in university teaching, Lung was commissioned in 1977 by a Hong Kong denim manufacturer to set up a marketing operation in New York. For 30 years, in addition to managing the merchandising, marketing and finances of fashion companies, Lung participated in the setting up of the first joint venture garment factory between a Hong Kong company and the Chinese government; setting up production facilities in other Asian, South Asian and South American countries; setting up modern logistic systems for supply chain management, and setting up retail stores in China. Through the fashion industry, Lung has built a wide network of business connections in China, Asia and the U.S. and become an advisor, partner or principal in a number of other businesses including mini-bus manufacturing in China, retail, merger and acquisition of companies in the U.S., China and other Asian countries, development of environmentally friendly and energy efficient housing, and technological transfers in the environment, energy and pharmaceutical sectors.
Gena Palumbo
Gena Palumbo, Board Member, is the President and Founder of the Children of China Pediatrics Foundation and continues to provide leadership and stewardship in a volunteer capacity. A corporate lawyer who wanted to provide for the children left in the orphanages after she adopted her own daughter in China, Ms. Palumbo organizes annual medical missions that consist of up to thirty all-volunteer team members, as well as medical and surgical supplies. She provides liaison to the Chinese hospital administration and government regarding the recruitment of patients, as well as spearheads annual fundraising events. Ms. Palumbo currently holds the position of Vice President and Associate General Counsel for Goldman, Sachs & Co. in New York City.
David Wood
David Wood, 理事会成员, 普华永道北京办事处负责在中国大陆、香港地区的医药服务业务。他带来了三十余年在美国本土以及世界各地的医院管理与医疗保健咨询经验。他曾任华美康医院咨 询集团ChinaCare Group的总裁兼高级合伙人,华美康是一家基于北京的国际性咨询公司。他还担任过加州大学医院系统的助理主任等高级管理职务;科罗拉多大学医院的财务总 监和医院运营主任;加州癌症研究中心的高级副主任;巴基斯坦Shakut Khanum癌症医院与研究中心主任;中国和睦家医院的总裁兼首席执行官;北京新世纪国际儿童医院的院长兼首席执行官,在该院担任职务期间,他是唯一在中 国医院担任院长的外国人。他协助全球的客户解决各种问题,包括美国、中国、德国、英国、加拿大和冈比亚。David Wood, 理事会成员(续)在他的咨询实践中,他的客户包括Cedars-Sinai医学中心、西门子合资项目、康民医院、加州大学医学中心,解放军医院,中国卫生 部,中德友好医院,新世纪国际儿童医院,美国癌症中心,北京大学国际医院,阜外心血管医院,戴普发银行、上海坚力软件科技有限公司、美国生命治疗公司、保 柏医疗保险公司,及众多新创业企业以与早期项目。
Ge Zhang
Ge Zhang, PhD, MBA, Board Member, has volunteered and served as a member on both Policy Advisory Committees on Healthcare and Technology for the 2008 Obama Presidential Campaign. Dr. Zhang was educated in both China (Mandarin) and the US, receiving his MBA from Columbia Business School and his PhD in Biophysics from the University of Tennessee and Oak Ridge National Laboratory. He also completed the Harvard Business School Executive Education Program. Dr. Zhang worked on the Human Genome Project, led a group at a Biotech company through its IPO, built, from the ground up, a drug discovery informatics department at a Pharmaceutical company, as well as a biomedical informatics program at the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia. Dr. Zhang has volunteered for the Clinton Global Initiative Conferences since its inception in 2005, and other global oriented activities including the World Business Forum, HSM Group and the Organization of Chinese Americans, Sino-American Biopharma and US-China Finance Association.
Neal Zuckerman
Neal Zuckerman, Board Member, is a principal in the New York office of the Boston Consulting Group, working within the firm’s media practice. Neal has worked extensively in the media, entertainment, and communications industries, with particular depth in business building, technology, advertising, and sales force effectiveness.
Since joining BCG, Neal has worked with a number of media, telecom, and technology clients and private equity investors in media companies. Neal also led the firm's 2008 Convergence Initiative, focused on emerging business models in digital businesses. Prior to joining BCG, Neal worked for Time Warner as Executive Director of its Strategic Planning group. In this role, he led business development for a variety of businesses across the company, including magazine advertising, mobile content, film production, VoIP, and innovative ad sales programs.
Neal is a former Captain in the US Army, having been stationed in several US posts and in South Korea. Neal holds a BS in European History from the United States Military Academy and an MBA from Harvard Business School. He is a former chair of WNYC Radio’s Community Board of Advisors and the president of the Putnam County Historical Society.